Wednesday, November 12, 2008

(Yep, I still remember the schedule)

This week, a special edition for a reverse birthday present kind of deal. For you, the reader...

The girl I loved
She made me muffins on my twentieth birthday.
Over a hot drink
And muffins
We laughed a bit
We talked a bit
But we did not kiss
We could not kiss for the world.
But we could dance.
Oh, how we danced!
With blueberries on our breath,
Butter on our lips,
Love in our eyes.
Would she dare to whisper a word to me?
With blueberries on her breath,
Butter on her lips,
Love in her eyes,
She would.
“I love you.” lost in a sigh.
What can I do but embrace,
And return in kind.
And I did love her.
With blueberries on my breath,
Butter on my lips,
Love in my eyes,
Aye, I did love her.
But we did not,
Could not,
Would not kiss.

She made me muffins for my twentieth birthday,
The girl I loved.
The girl I love.